How Do People Pick Squares Online?

After you've created your Football Squares pool with the "Select Squares Online" option, you will get a custom link generated for your pool. Share the link with everyone in a text or email. They click the link, pick squares, and enter their name and email address to claim their squares.

Step by Step

  1. Create your pool (use the default settings to "Select Squares Online")
  2. Share the link to join (send an email, text message, post to social media or any other online platform)
  3. People click the link to join.
  4. Click one or more blank squares on your board
  5. Click claim squares
  6. Enter their name and email address
  7. Click Claim Squares button to reserve the numbers

Once your board fills up, randoms numbers will get generated on your leaderboard, and your winners will identify automatically with live scoring during the game.


Tap open squares, then click Claim
Enter your info, then claim
Go to your pool leaderboard to see which numbers you have, and to see who wins.

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