How To See Your Numbers & Follow Your Squares Board

Once all 100 squares are claimed, you can view your numbers on your pool leaderboard, like the screenshot below. If you don't see random numbers like the screenshot below, you're pool admin may need to pay for your pool, or wait until all 100 squares get claimed, or reveal the numbers early.

This is what your leaderboard looks like before the game starts.

Step by Step

  1. Open your pool leaderboard
    1. Click the link in your confirmation email, or ...
    2. Login, and click leaderboard next to your pool
  2. Tap on your name in the top bar to highlight your squares
  3. Tap the refresh button (top right) to get updated scores and scenarios as game goes on
  4. Share your squares with others by tapping the share button, copying the link, and sending an email or text

Example Scenarios based on Current Score

Option to Share Your Leaderboard Link

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