How to Modify, Add, or Delete a Team as the Pool Admin

Only the admin can add/delete/modify teams after the pool deadline. 

To Add a Team

  1. Login to Your Pool Admin page
  2. Click ENTRIES
  3. Click Add Entry and choose to use the picksheet or quick entry 
    • Picksheet allows you to fill an entry exactly how any user would have using the online picksheet 
    • Quick Entry allows you to type the picks quickly but doesn't allow for an email address. If entering picks from offline, the email will default to your email.

To Delete a Team

Only pool admins can delete teams. This can be done before and after the tournament begins. 

  1. Login to Your Pool Admin page
  2. Click ENTRIES
  3. Search for the entry you wish to delete
  4. Clicking the red trash can all the way to the right of the team (you may have to scroll right) 

To Modify a Team

  1. Login to Your Pool Admin page
  2. Click ENTRIES
  3. Search for the entry you wish to modify
  4. Clicking the team name
  5. Modify the picks, team name, name, or tiebreak (make sure your updates adhere to picksheet rules if you are using a picksheet setup)

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