How to Pick Your Team

How to Join a Masters Pool

Enjoy this step-by-step tutorial on How to Pick Your Team in a pool you've been invited to join. 

This article will cover everything you need to know for making your picks, choosing your tiebreaker, and submitting your pool entry. 

How Your Pool Works

Start by reading the "HOW IT WORKS" section of the invitation you've received from the pool admin. This will list the rules and criteria for making your picks. 

For this article, we will use our most popular scoring format of To Par Scoring using the best 4 scores from a team of 6 players.

Making Your Picks

Click the link found on your invitation found in the " HOW TO JOIN THE POOL" section:

This link will take you directly to your pick sheet. The pick sheet is where you pick the players to make up your team, set your tie-break score, and submit your entry to have your team enter the pool. 

Your pool admin will determine how many tiers the field is split into and how many players you will need to pick from each tier to make up your team. As you can see in the example below, For Tier 1, participants will Pick 1 player, and the same for Tier 2. 

Pick Your Players

Now, you'll click on the box next to the player you want to be on your team from each tier. Continue that process until you've made your selections for all tiers. 

Pick Your Tiebreaker Score

A tiebreaker score is required for every entry and will be used to determine a pool winner in the case of a tie. Click on the Select a Score input and choose what you think the winning golfer's score will be at the end of the tournament, not including playoff holes. 

Complete the Your Info Section

  • Team Name: This is how you'll be listed on the pool leaderboard. Pick something fun & creative to call your team! This can be your real name or something you make up for fun. 
  • Name: This should be your real name and will be visible to the pool admin as well on your pool leaderboard if anyone clicks on your team name. 
  • Email: Enter your email address. You'll use this if you ever need to log back in to edit your team, we'll email you a link at this address. 
  • Terms: Click on the Terms of Service checkbox.

  • Click the "Submit Entry" button. 


Now, you can sit back and watch the action unfold on your pool's custom live leaderboard!

  • You will see a confirmation confirming your entry has been submitted, and you will receive an email from Easy Office Pools with your team selections and the link to view your pool's live leaderboard. 

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