Why Does "Required: Setup Your Picksheet" Message Appear?

If your pool admin screen has the below message appearing, you'll need to Setup & Save your picksheet in order to get your pool going and your friends invited. 

Why Does This Appear? 

When you choose a Custom Setup, the pool creation process happens in 2 steps. First you create your pool, then you customize your picksheet. Once those two steps are complete you can start inviting people to your pool. 

If you forget to click the Save Picksheet button in step 2, this would cause your pool to have the Setup Picksheet alert appear. 

How To Setup Your Picksheet

In order to remove this alert, you'll have to customize your picksheet as desired and click the "Save Picksheet" button. Here's how: 

  1. Login
  2. Click the Admin button next to your pool 
  3. Click the Setup Picksheet button
  4. Organize your picksheet as desired. You can click the change setup link, or manually move people to different tiers.
    Learn More: How to Customize Your Picksheet
  5. * IMPORTANT * Click the Save Picksheet button at the bottom of the page
  6. The page should refresh and give a link back to the main pool admin page 
  7. Verify your picksheet looks good by clicking the link to join your pool 
  8. If all good, your are all set to share the link with your poolies  

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